
Vendor Information


Frequently Asked Questions for Experts, Consultants or Contractors Employed by
the Office of the Federal Public Defender

New Vendors

Any new vendors that have not previously provided services for the office or wish to update banking information must complete an AO 213 Vendor Information and Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) Certification form in order to establish payment.

  • You must include a wet signature and return an electronic copy via email to Rachel_Schumont@fd.org

  • If you wish to receive a mailed check instead of electronic funds transfer you MUST include this request under the “Description” or “Financial Information” sections of the form.

Expert Contracts & Billing

If you intend to provide expert or outside vendor services for a case, please discuss the terms with our case staff member to establish details of the services needed. Before services begin, the Property and Procurement Administrator (PPA) will contact the provider and present the contract outlining the terms and conditions negotiated.

Your contract may be established as a fixed or an hourly rate and completed work must be invoiced in this manner. Services must be completed within one year of establishing the contract.

This Office will not pay invoices that are greater than the "Not to Exceed" amount in the contract.  The “Not to Exceed” amount is a maximum amount and we ask experts and vendors to bill frequently and take fiscally responsible measures. If services can be completed without spending the maximum, please do so. 

If additional services are requested by the office, the contract amount can be increased through supplemental funding, upon approval. The PPA and case contact must be alerted with at least 30 days minimum notice. 

We are an agency of the Federal Government and are tax exempt, please reflect this in your invoices.  This Office is prohibited from paying for any item or service that has not yet been received.

We cannot pay for work that was done before a contract is signed.

Government regulations dictate that the following information that must be included on an invoice:

  • your business name;

  • remittance address; and

  • detailed information including the date(s), number of hours, client name, and description of the specific work performed in those hours;

If your invoice does not have invoice numbers, please consider creating a system that includes invoices with specific invoice numbers. This allows for a quick verification of what invoices have been paid.

Payment Procedures

WE DO NOT ISSUE YOUR CHECK. Payments are now issued electronically via direct deposit, from the U.S. Treasury. There is a four level approval process for invoice payments and while most payments are received in 5-10 business days from the time of receipt, payments should be expected within 30 calendar days.

Service Related Travel

In some cases, travel is necessary to perform the office’s requested expert services.  Travel must be explicitly authorized in a contract for any reimbursement of travel expenses.  If an expert intends to seek travel reimbursement, then travel expenses must be part of the original quote for services.  Please review the following list of guidelines before you travel or bill for travel directly related to services within a contract:

  • Travel reimbursement costs are included in the “Not to Exceed” amount in the contract, and the office is not obligated to pay any amount in excess of the “Not to Exceed” ceiling stated in the contract.

  • Lodging, transportation, and food are not covered, under any circumstance, unless there is prior approval and explicit approval within the contact.

  • Food items cannot be reimbursed unless there is an authorized overnight stay needed to complete your requested work.

Reimbursement is for costs incurred, capped at the government rate, and receipts must be attached for all travel related items with your invoice, no full per diem rate reimbursements will be made.

We do not reimburse for entertainment or alcoholic beverages.


Mileage reimbursement is based on the annual GSA mileage reimbursement rates. Click here to find the most recent rate.

Mileage reimbursement can only be authorized for trips with one-way travel greater than 40.00 miles from your place of business, using Google Maps, taking the shortest distance.  This is at the discretion of the Federal Public Defender, and is not automatically included in funding or a contract, unless explicitly stated.

Rates and Policy

The maximum rate of payment for interpreters will be $78.00 per hour, for all time including travel time, rounded up to the next full hour. There will be no half-or full-day caps on payment. An interpreter may further claim reimbursement for all out-of-pocket expenses reasonably incurred incidentally to the rendering of services, including case related travel by a privately-owned automobile, which should be claimed at the rate of $0.575 per mile, plus parking fees, ferry fares and bridge, road and tunnel tolls. Transportation should be claimed on actual expense basis. Receipts are required for any expenditure over $25.00 (Effective January 2020)

Updated FPD CAN Interpreter Rates effective Jan 2020

FPD CAN Interpreter Invoice Sample  

An interpreter may not receive payment for the same half or full day from any federal court unit, CJA, or the Federal Public Defender’s Office